Automating Movie Recommendations with Generative AI and Pipedream

For the past few months or so, I’ve started tracking my movie watching with Letterboxd. I’m not doing a lot of reviews, mostly just logging, but I find it neat to look back and remind myself of what I’ve watched recently. You can see my profile if you’re curious, or check out my "Now" page as well. I thought it might be interesting to see if I could use my Letterboxd data along with Google Gemini as a way to suggest the next movie I should watch. I was able to build a quick workflow using the incredible Pipedream in a few minutes. Let me share with you how I did that. What does it do? # At a high level, my workflow does the following: It runs, automatically,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Integrating Cloudinary Notifications with Pipedream

As I continue my journey into learning the awesomeness of the Cloudinary platform, today I decided to take a look at their notifications support. Cloudinary lets you specify a webhook URL that will be hit on different types of events. I whipped up a quick example of using this with Pipedream, my favorite service for processing webhooks. Here’s how I did it. Raymond Camden… more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Watching RSS Feeds for Keywords in Pipedream

Back in the day, I used to run a website called rssWatcher. (If you want, you can read the original launch announcement from 2004.) The idea was simple. You would sign up, then create a list of RSS feeds and corresponding keywords. The service would check this on a schedule and let you know when a match was found. I built this in ColdFusion and I honestly don’t remember when I shut it down, but it was in my mind recently and thought I’d take a stab at building a simple version of this on my favorite service, Pipedream. Here’s how I did it. Raymond Camden… more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Hosting an Alexa Skill on Pipedream

I’ve been a big fan of the Amazon Alexa developer experience for a few years now. I haven’t done any active skill (what they call apps) in a while, but I thought I’d take a quick look at what’s required to host a skill on Pipedream. While this won’t be a "How to build an Alexa skill" post, I will share a bit of background information about the process, because honestly it’s pretty dang cool. Raymond Camden… more →
Posted in: JavaScript