Testing Multiple Variations of Generative AI Prompts

In nearly all of my recent explorations of Generative AI, I’ve come to realize how important prompts are. That hasn’t necessarily translated me into writing better prompts all the time, but being aware of the problem is at least one step towards correcting it, right? One of the things that I thought would help me personally would be to have a tool to quickly compare and contrast different prompts. Obviously, I could just open up multiple tabs in a browser, but I really wanted something more direct and simplified for my purposes. With that in mind, let me share what I’ve built. Prompt Tester # Prompt Tester is my incredibly imaginatively named tool to… um… test prompts.... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Testing Out the Alpine.js Intersect Plugin

A few weeks ago, I finally got around to looking at the official plugins Alpine.js supports and built a little demo that integrated the Intl spec with the Mask plugin. (You can read the post here: Integrating Intl with Alpine.js Mask). Today I thought I’d take a look at another plugin, Intersect. What Is It? # The Intersect plugin is a wrapper for the Intersection Observer API. This is a pretty cool web platform API that lets you monitor when DOM elements come into the visible part of a web browser. I first dug into this a few months ago in an article I wrote for Cloudinary, "Automatically Loading High-Quality Images with Cloudinary and IntersectionObserver". In that article,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Testing the Netlify Cache Plugin with Eleventy

For months now I’ve been meaning to check out, and try, the Netlify Caching plugin. This plugin lets you cache resources between builds saving you time when doing builds. I didn’t doubt it worked, but I needed to give it a try myself to see it in action. To test it out, I used Eleventy, but note that you can use any static site generator with the plugin. (It just won’t be as cool.) Raymond Camden… more →
Posted in: JavaScript