Adding Translation with a Web Component and Chrome AI / / No Comments A few days ago, I blogged about using Chrome’s built-in generative AI features (which are still super duper too early to even consider for production) to add on-device translation capabilities to a web app. It got me thinking, what if we could do translation automatically via a web component? If for some reason it failed, that would be fine as the original text would still be there, but in cases where it could work, it would be automatic. Here’s what I built. First, I whipped up a quick HTML demo of the text I’d like translated: <translate-text>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the... more → Posted in: JavaScript Tagged with: Adding, Chrome, Component, Translation
Using Chrome AI for Translation / / No Comments I’ve done a couple blog posts now on Chrome’s efforts to bring generative AI to the browser. It’s still somewhat of a rough process (remember, you can sign up for access to test and learn more at the intro post from the Chrome engineers), but it’s getting better over time. One thing I mentioned in my last post ("Using Chrome AI to Rewrite Text") was how the Chrome team is shipping focused APIs for specific purposes, not just general Q and A. In that previous post, I demonstrated an example of the Rewriter API. As yet another example of this, you can now test out on device translation. As with everything else I’ve shared in this space, you should consider... more → Posted in: JavaScript Tagged with: Chrome, Translation, using