Updating and Supporting URL Parameters in JavaScript

Not quite a long time ago, but roughly two years ago I wrote a blog post on updating and supporting, URL parameters with Vue.js. The idea was this: Given an application that lets you perform various tweaks, it would be nice if the URL was updated to reflect the current state of the application. This would let you bookmark, or share, the URL with others and they would get the same view as you. In that post, I built a very basic "data filtering" application and then updated it to support updates to the URL. I thought I’d revisit that post and demonstrate building it in vanilla JavaScript. As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this, especially if you’ve done something... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Supporting PDF Embeds in an Eleventy WebC Component

Way back in the old days, in August of 2021, I wrote up an example of adding support for Adobe’s PDF Embed API as an Eleventy plugin: "An Adobe PDF Embed Plugin for Eleventy". When I find time, I need to update that to the newest URL for the library, but more recently I was curious if I could recreate support using the WebC template language. While it was a bit difficult at times (and a big thank you goes to Zach for patiently helping me), I think it’s at a point now where it can be shared. I will warn folks that I’m still struggling a bit with the best way to work with WebC, and at least one feature I’m showing isn’t documented yet (but I’ve confirmed... more →
Posted in: JavaScript