Another Update to my Slideshow Web Component – JavaScript Support

Last month I shared a simple web component I built to embed slideshows onto web pages. If you didn’t get a chance to read that, you can see it in action in this CodePen below: See the Pen Slideshow Web Component by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen. After I wrote this, Šime Vidas shared an excellent update to my component with some great modifications. I talked about this version in a blog post, and it’s the version I’ll be using for my post today. What am I covering today? When I demonstrated how to use my web component, it was done via a script include (well, it’s on CodePen, but you get the idea), and then a bit of HTML. Here’s an example. (And... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

A Simple Slideshow Web Component

As I continue to play around with and learn more about web components, I thought I’d build a simple component to make it easier to add a slideshow. By that, I mean something that renders one picture but provides controls to go to more images. I’ve probably built this many times in the past, both in JavaScript and server-side code, and I thought it would be a nice candidate for a component. As with most of my demos so far, there’s a lot more that could be done with it, but I thought I’d share what I have so far. Once again I want to give a shout-out to Simon MacDonald for helping me get this code working. (At the end of the post, I’ll share the mistake I made, as... more →
Posted in: JavaScript