Integrating Intl with Alpine.js Mask

I’ve been using Alpine.js for quite a while now (although I still make silly mistakes, see the p.s. at the end) but haven’t yet looked at the "official" plugins. Listed in the docs, those plugins include: Intersect – a simple hook to recognize when an element is visible (I plan on blogging about this later) Persist – a simple hook to add persistence to Alpine data (another plugin I plan on blogging about) Focus – a way to manipulate focus Collapse – a simple UI plugin for collapsible content Morph – another UI plugin that attempts to transform one set of HTML into another (I honestly don’t quite get this one – yet) And finally,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Followup to My Intl Short Number Post

A few days ago I shared a blog post about using the Intl object in JavaScript to create short, more readable numbers. So for example, instead of 9123456, it would display 9.1M. This was done using the notation option in Intl.NumberFormat. Yesterday I randomly ran into an interesting modification on this using yet another option, compactDisplay. The compactDisplay option is only used when notation is set to compact. It supports two options, short which is default and what I demonstrated in the previous post, and long. So given a number, i, you would use it like so: new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', { notation:'compact', compactDisplay:'long'}).format(i); And the result is, well, longer. 😉 What’s... more →
Posted in: JavaScript