A Bare-Bones Eleventy Template for Glitch

A few weeks ago I blogged about a simple Alpine.js template for Glitch projects. I’m still new to Glitch and wanted to give it a whirl with an Eleventy demo I wanted to share. Glitch has an Eleventy template, but it’s a bit verbose. It sets up a basic blog with sample posts and such, and that’s great to learn, but if you already know Eleventy, you may prefer to start off a bit simpler. With that in mind, I created this repository: https://github.com/cfjedimaster/glitch-eleventy It defines an .eleventy.js file that specifies an input and output directory. It sets up a very basic HTML layout and an empty index page that uses it. I also used Liquid for my demo whereas the Glitch-provided... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

An Alpine.js Template for Glitch

I discovered Glitch a few months ago, and while I haven’t used it a lot since then, the more I do, the more I really dig it. When working on my blog post yesterday, I shared the demo as a Glitch project, you can see it here if you would like. While setting up the project, I fumbled a bit with the right order of script tags, which was entirely my fault, but knowing my memory I wanted to note what worked for me, and share it with others. Let’s start with the code first. Raymond Camden… more →
Posted in: JavaScript