Determine Default App for File Type from Command Line

One quality of life improvement any developer can make for themselves is ensuring different file types open in the app they’re most proficient in. If you know me, you know I prefer accomplishing as much as possible from the command line. The duti utility allows users to determine default file type from command line. The duti utility allows developers to query which app is the default for different file types. You can install duti with brew: brew install duti Once you have duti available, you can check on the default app for file type with the following command: ~ duti -x md /Applications/ You can set the default app by using its package: duti... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Set Brave as Default Browser from Command Line

I’ve been a huge fan of the Brave web browser for years. They’re crypto-friendly, provide native ad-blocking features, and even provide Tor integration. Whenever I set up new systems, I automate Brave as the default browser. You can use the following shell command to set Brave as the default browser: open -a "Brave Browser" --args --make-default-browser Brave has been an excellent browser with a progressive outlook web browsing. I recommend everyone use Brave! The post Set Brave as Default Browser from Command Line appeared first on David Walsh Blog. David Walsh Blog… more →
Posted in: JavaScript