2024 – Another Year of Record Heat

Last year, two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced at least one month of record-breaking heat. The Guardian has visualized data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service to illustrate the average temperatures around the world for each month in 2024.The animated map at the top of the article comes from The Guardian’s feature,  Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

More 2024 Maps of the Year

On New Year’s Day, I posted the Maps Mania round-up of the 2024 Year in Maps. I am not the only one who has spent time exploring the best maps of 2024. The Global Investigative Journalism Network’s Top 10 Data Journalism Projects of 2024  included maps from Hungary’s Atlo, Japan’s Nikkei, and Germany’s netzpolitik. Danube Warming Up Atló’s Danube Warming Up uses a Mapbox story-map Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

The Coldest Day of the Year

Did you know the coldest day of the year doesn’t arrive at the same time for everyone in the U.S.? While Groveland, California, is shivering through its chilliest day today, parts of the East Coast are still weeks away from their coldest temperatures. This is because the coldest day of the year, on average, occurs at least a month earlier on the western seaboard than on the eastern seaboard of Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

A Year of Wildfire in Europe

In July Europe witnessed its largest wildfire in 23 years. The Dadia forest fire in Greece burned 97,000 hectares and killed 20 people. The large number of wildfires in Europe this year follows the even larger number of fires last year, a year which saw the second largest total burnt area this century. So far.Czech news website Aktuálně.cz has analyzed satellite data of European Union wildfires Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

Related Content by Day of Year in Eleventy

Ok, chalk this up to something that is probably useful to one out of ten of my readers, but the idea’s been bouncing around my brain for a few months now and I finally took the time to build it out. Imagine a content site that’s been around for a while, for example, this blog (twenty years next February). It may be interesting to tie articles to content written in the past, specifically, on the same day in previous years. This requires a site with years of content and enough content such that there would actually be a decent chance of that happening, but I could see newspaper sites or other news organizations being able to meet that criteria. For... more →
Posted in: JavaScript