BoxLang Quick Tips – PDF Generation

Today’s BoxLang quick tip is one near and dear to my heart, generating PDFs. Creating dynamic, expressive PDFs is fairly easy. Let me show you how. As before, I’ve got a video version as well so you would rather watch that, just skip to the end. Step One – The Module By default, BoxLang doesn’t ship with PDF capabilities built-in, you need to add it via the PDF Module. This can be done quickly via the CLI: install-bx-module bx-pdf Installing the module adds three new tags to your BoxLang runtime: bx:document – This is the core tag for PDF generation. Everything inside it will either be content or directives (see the items below) to control what’s produced. bx:documentitem... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

BoxLang Quick Tips – Database Access

Today I’m kicking off a new blog/video series of quick tips for people interested in BoxLang. These ‘quick tips’ are just that, a look at how BoxLang can simplify working with the JVM and building CLI scripts, web apps, and serverless applications. Each of these posts will include a video along with sample code and help highlight some of the ways BoxLang can be powerful in just a few lines of code. For my first quick tip, let’s talk database access, which by the way was one of the reasons I got into ColdFusion nearly thirty years ago (I didn’t want to figure out how to do it in Perl!). Working with databases in BoxLang can be done in a few steps. Step One –... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Navigation tips for the Consumer Electronics Show – Digital Journal

Digital Journal Navigation tips for the Consumer Electronics ShowDigital JournalThe map technology uses the latest navigation platform. Between January 9 and 12 some 180,000 people are expected to attend the world's largest, and 51st, consumer electronics trade show. To help people find their way, Heidelberg Mobil International … map app – Google News… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps