Update to My Table Sorting Web Component
Just a quick note. Last year, I blogged a demo of a web component that lets you wrap an existing HTML table and progressively add table sorting. I’m rather proud of that demo and was actually planning on doing a quick video about it, but while testing I encountered two small bugs that somehow missed my earlier rigorous testing. (And by rigorous testing I mean a few minutes of clicking around.)
Specifically, the issue is in the "when clicking to sort, notice if we sorted this column before and if so, reverse the sort" area:
sortCol(e,i) { let sortToggle = 1; if(this.lastSort === i) { this.sortAsc = !this.sortAsc; if(!this.sortDir) sortToggle = -1; } this.lastSort = i; this.data.sort((a,b)... more →
Posted in: JavaScript