Using Parallel Requests to Improve Web Performance

Yesterday I blogged about a change I made to my bots page and in it, I mentioned how the performance wasn’t necessarily as good as it could be. I had made the decision to go from server-side and build-time for the page to a purely client-side solution. At the end of the post, I asked folks to let me know if anyone would like to have me work on that performance issue, and, honestly, it kept popping up in my head so I figured I should tackle it. Before I begin talking about what I changed, let me review what I had done, and what the issues are. The Current Solution You can go to the bots page yourself, but in general, this is the process: Given a list of bots… For each one, get the... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

7 Ways to Optimize Performance for Your WordPress Site (Sponsored)

The vast majority of blogs, news websites, and information websites run on WordPress. While the WordPress developer team and community do their best to ensure wordPress is performant, there are a number of practices you can implement to keep your site blazing fast. Let’s look at some of them! Use Cloudinary WordPress Plugin for Media Cloudinary is the most dynamic media transformation, delivery, and optimization service on the internet. With Cloudinary you can: Deliver optimized images, audio, and video per device, platform, and browser Use the Cloudinary API or querystring parameters to customize media on the fly Take advantage of client side JavaScript libraries to create image viewers,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

TurboFan For Enhanced JavaScript Performance – I Programmer – iProgrammer

TurboFan For Enhanced JavaScript Performance – I ProgrammeriProgrammerTurboFan is Google's latest new optimizing, just-in-time, compiler for speeding up JavaScript execution in Chrome. It first appeared in Chromium almost a year ago and it has been shipping as a component of the V8 JavaScript engine since Chrome 41. JavaScript – Google News… more →
Posted in: JavaScript

JavaScript performance was a top priority for the Microsoft Edge team – WinBeta

WinBeta JavaScript performance was a top priority for the Microsoft Edge teamWinBetaJavaScript is one of the main coding languages which drives the modern web today. Browsers with less than optimal JS performance means most sites could be slow or unresponsive. This leads to an overall bad user experience. Browsers like Google …and more » JavaScript – Google News… more →
Posted in: JavaScript