Parsing Uploaded Resumes into Form Fields with Google Gemini

As I’ve recently become somewhat familiar with job application sites (sigh, thanks Adobe), I’ve noticed an interesting feature some sites use. After selecting your resume to upload, they will parse the resume and either offer to, or automatically, fill in some of the form fields of the application for you. I thought it would be interesting to try this myself making use of Google’s Gemini APIs. Here’s what I discovered. The Test Script As always, I began with a script that would take a hard-coded resume and attempt to parse it. For the most part, this is basic "upload a file and ask the AI to talk about", but in my case, I wanted a very particular set of data... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Adding Form Participation Support to Web Components

Many years ago when the web platform began to really improve, when everything was "HTML5 this" and "HTML5 that", I remember being particularly excited by the updates to forms. I started my web career doing a lot of form processing and have always thought it was one of the more important aspects of the platform. Anything that improved that was a good thing. In my explorations of web components, I was ecstatic to discover that web components can be participants in forms. So what do we mean by that? What’s a Form Field? # Form fields have a number of different features, including: Including a name and value as part of the overall form. This is the bare minimum thing a... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Customizing HTML Form Validation

Form validation has always been my least favorite part of web development. You need to duplicate validation on both client and server sides, handle loads of events, and worry about form element styling. To aid form validation, the HTML spec added some new form attributes like required and pattern to act as very basic validation. Did you know, however, that you can control native form validation using JavaScript? validity Each form element (input, for example) provides a validity property which represents a ValidityState. ValidityState looks something like this: // input.validity { badInput: false, customError: true, patternMismatch: false, rangeOverflow: false, rangeUnderflow: false,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Explore all of Google Maps in Lego form with this Web app – The Next Web

The Next Web Explore all of Google Maps in Lego form with this Web appThe Next WebMany kids have built plastic brick cities out of Lego, but what if you could see any location on Google Maps in Lego form? That's what designer Einer Öberg has done with the appropriately named Brick Street View. The Web app renders Street View …and more » map app – Google News… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps