(Don’t) Add BASIC Support to Eleventy

So yesterday I wrote up the process of adding the Squirrelly template language to Eleventy. It was, essentially, five minutes of work due to how well Eleventy supports adding custom languages. After writing it up, publishing it, and running some errands, a really bad and silly idea came to me… what if I added BASIC support to Eleventy?
Way back in the Stone Age, my first computer language was Applesoft BASIC on an Apple 2e (or +, not sure). Just look at this rad machine and imagine it paired with a monochrome green monitor:
By Bilby – Own work, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11119727
I wrote a lot of programs on that machine, most typed by hand from the... more →
Posted in: JavaScript