2024 – Another Year of Record Heat

Last year, two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced at least one month of record-breaking heat. The Guardian has visualized data from the Copernicus Climate Change Service to illustrate the average temperatures around the world for each month in 2024.The animated map at the top of the article comes from The Guardian’s feature,  Two-thirds of the Earth’s surface experienced record Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

Another Web Component – Table Compressor

Earlier this week I was browsing a site that showed a tabular list of data. It initially showed something like ten rows and had a clickable item that showed the rest of the data. I thought I’d whip up a quick web component that mimicked this functionality. My thinking was that you would wrap a regular HTML table (much like my table sorting component) and the component would truncate and add the ‘click to expand’ logic. Now, to be clear, this still means the user is downloading the entire set of data, but visually it would take up less space until the user selects to show the rest of the data. Let me share the component here and then I’ll explain how it works: class CompressTable... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Another Update to my Slideshow Web Component – JavaScript Support

Last month I shared a simple web component I built to embed slideshows onto web pages. If you didn’t get a chance to read that, you can see it in action in this CodePen below: See the Pen Slideshow Web Component by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen. After I wrote this, Šime Vidas shared an excellent update to my component with some great modifications. I talked about this version in a blog post, and it’s the version I’ll be using for my post today. What am I covering today? When I demonstrated how to use my web component, it was done via a script include (well, it’s on CodePen, but you get the idea), and then a bit of HTML. Here’s an example. (And... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

JerryScript – Another JavaScript Engine For Embedded Devices – iProgrammer

iProgrammer JerryScript – Another JavaScript Engine For Embedded DevicesiProgrammerNow only do we have multiple JavaScript engines targeting small and restricted hardware but we have multiple IoT frameworks – Intel's mraa for example. Currently the biggest problem that JerryScript has is that its documentation is non-existent. All … JavaScript – Google News… more →
Posted in: JavaScript