Links For You (12/14/24) / / No Comments Good morning folks, as I shared yesterday, this week has been a bit rough as I found out my job was eliminated at Adobe, but the outpouring of support, and links to jobs, has been overwhelming. You people are pretty darn good, you know what? I’m confident I’m going to be able to land a good job, but at the same time, it’s going to be a heck of a lot less stressful once I actually do. On top of that, I’ve got a head cold, which is annoying af as the kids say, but, I’m alive, surrounded by people who love me, well fed and warm, so all things considered, I’m pretty dang lucky. Let’s get to the link. AI in the Browser – A Playlist A month or so ago,... more → Posted in: JavaScript Tagged with: 12/14/24, links