Leaflet is designed to be as lightweight as possible and focuses on a core set of features. You can extend its functionality through third-party plugins. Here are several Leaflet plugins to choose from.
Plugin | Description |
Proj4Leaflet | Proj4js integration plugin, allowing you to use all kinds of weird projections in Leaflet. |
Plugins by Pavel Shramov | A set of plugins for: GPX, KML layers; Bing tile layer; Google and Yandex layers (implemented with their APIs), permalink and distance measurement controls. |
cartodb-leaflet | Official CartoDB plugin for Leaflet. |
Leaflet Vector Layers | Allows to easily create vector layers from a number of geo web services, such as ArcGIS Server, Arc2Earth, GeoIQ, CartoDB and GIS Cloud. |
leaflet-tilejson | Adds support for the TileJSON specification to Leaflet. |
leaflet-providers | Contains configurations for various free tile providers — OSM, OpenCycleMap, MapQuest, Stamen, Esri, etc. |
azgs-leaflet | A set of small plugins for Leaflet, including WFS-GeoJSON layer with filtering, a hover control for GeoJSON, and an Esri tile layer. |
Leaflet.encoded | Use encoded polylines in Leaflet. |
Leaflet.Pouch | Use PouchDB to sync CouchDB data to local storage (indexedDB), to just add couchDB data or as just a less confusing implementation of indexedDB. |
Leaflet Ajax | Add GeoJSON data via ajax or jsonp. |
Leaflet GPX | GPX layer, targeted at sporting activities by providing access to information such as distance, moving time, pace, elevation, heart rate, etc. |
Wicket | A modest library for translating between Well-Known Text (WKT) and Leaflet geometry objects (e.g. between L.marker() instances and “POINT()” strings). |
Leaflet.dbpediaLayer | A layer with Points of interest from Wikipedia – loaded via ajax from DBpedia’s SPARQL endpoint. |
Leaflet-2gis | Adds support for 2GIS tile layer |
Leaflet. KoreanTmsProviders |
Contains configurations for various (South) Korean tile providers — Daum, Naver, VWorld, etc. |
Leaflet. ChineseTmsProviders |
Contains configurations for various Chinese tile providers — TianDiTu, MapABC, GaoDe, etc. |
Esri Leaflet | A set of tools for using ArcGIS services with Leaflet. Support for map services, feature layers, ArcGIS Online tiles and more. |
Leaflet.geojsonCSS | Geojson CSS implementation for Leaflet. |