Leaflet is designed to be as lightweight as possible and focuses on a core set of features. You can extend its functionality through third-party plugins. Here are several layer and overlay plugins to choose from.
Plugin | Description |
Leaflet.markercluster | A beautiful, sophisticated, high performance marker clustering solution with smooth animations and lots of great features. Recommended! |
MaskCanvas | A canvas layer that can be used to visualize coverage. |
leaflet-usermarker | A plugin for plotting a marker representing a user – or multiple users – on a map, with support for drawing an accuraccy circle. Can be seen in action on Longitude.me. |
Leaflet.EdgeMarker | Indicate the existence of Features outside of the current view. |
WebGL Heatmap | A high performance Javascript heatmap plugin using WebGL. |
Leaflet.Geodesic | Draw geodesic (poly)lines. A geodesic line is the shortest path between two given positions on the earth surface. and You can also calculate the exact distance between two given points on the map. |
Leaflet.LineExtremities | Show symbols at the extremities of polylines, using SVG markers. |
Leaflet.MultiTileLayer | Compose a TileLayer from several tile sources. Each source is active only on a defined set of zoomlevels. |
Leaflet.AnimatedMarker | Animate a marker along a polyline. |
Leaflet.ellipse | Place ellipses on map by specifying center point, semi-major axis, semi-minor axis, and tilt degrees from west. |
Leaflet.plotter | It allows you to create routes using a leaflet powered map. You can click on the mid-points to create a new, draggable point. |
Leaflet.label | Adds text labels to map markers and vector layers. |
RaphaelLayer | Allows you to use Raphael as a layer on a Leaflet map for advanced animations and visualizations. |
Overlapping Marker Spiderfier | Deals with overlapping markers in a Google Earth-inspired way by gracefully springing them apart on click. |
TileLayer.BoundaryCanvas | Draw tile layers with arbitrary polygonal boundary. HTML5 Canvas is used for rendering. |
HeatCanvas | A simple heatmap api based on HTML5 canvas. |
heatmap.js | A JavaScript Library for HTML5 canvas based heatmaps. Its Leaflet layer implementation supports large datasets because it is tile based and uses a quadtree index to store the data. |
Leaflet divHeatmap | Lightweight and versatile heatmap layer based on CSS3 and divIcons |
Leaflet-semicircle | Adds functionality to L.Circle to draw semicircles. |
Leaflet.FunctionalTileLayer | Allows you to define tile layer URLs using a function, with support for jQuery deferreds. |
Leaflet.geoCSV | Leaflet plugin for loading a CSV file as geoJSON layer. |
Leaflet.PolylineDecorator | Allows you to draw patterns (like dashes, arrows or evenly spaced Markers) along Polylines or coordinate paths. |
Leaflet.Sprite | Use sprite based icons in your markers. |
Leaflet.BounceMarker | Make a marker bounce when you add it to a map. |
Leaflet.TextPath | Allows you to draw text along Polylines. |
Leaflet.Awesome-Markers | Colorful, iconic & retina-proof markers based on the Font Awesome icons/Twitter Bootstrap icons |
Leaflet Data Visualization Framework | New markers, layers, and utility classes for easy thematic mapping and data visualization. |
TileLayer.Grayscale | A regular TileLayer with grayscale makeover. |
TileLayer.GeoJSON | A TileLayer for GeoJSON tiles. |
TileLayer.Zoomify | A TileLayer for Zoomify images. |
TileLayer.DeepZoom | A TileLayer for DeepZoom images. |
Leaflet.Graticule | It draws a grid of latitude and longitude lines. |
Leaflet.Shapefile | Put a shapefile onto your map as a layer. |
Leaflet.FileGDB | Put an ESRI File GeoDatabase onto your map as a layer. |
Leaflet.Terminator | Overlay day and night regions on a map. |
Leaflet.FeatureSelect | Use a configurable centerpoint marker to select any geometry type from a GeoJSON layer. |
Leaflet.MakiMarkers | Create markers using Maki Icons from MapBox. |
Leaflet.Editable.Polyline | It provides editable polylines: move existing points, add new points and split polylines. |
leaflet.TileLayer.WMTS | Add WMTS (IGN) layering for leaflet. |
leaflet-omnivore | Loads & converts CSV, KML, GPX, TopoJSON, WKT formats for Leaflet. |
Leaflet.TileLayer.IIP | Add support for IIPImage layers in Leaflet. |
Leaflet.ImageTransform | Add support of image overlays with arbitrary perspective transformation. |
PruneCluster | A fast and realtime marker clustering library. |
Leaflet.Indoor | Create indoor maps such as rooms and corridors. |