Building a Jira Search Tool in BoxLang

Developers seem to have a love/hate (or perhaps hate/despise) relationship with Jira. I’ve never minded it, but the biggest issue for me is that if I haven’t used it in a while, it can be overwhelming. Yesterday I was thinking about this and wondering if perhaps I could build my own tooling to interact with Jira via an API, if it even had one. Turns out, of course they have an API and it’s not terribly difficult to use. With that in mind, I whipped up a quick tool to search Jira via the command line with BoxLang. Jira API Basics The docs for Jira’s API are pretty good and cover the huge set of operations you can perform with it. Your root API url will be based on your... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Generative Images with Gemini (New Updates)

Back in January of this year, I wrote up my experience testing out Google’s Imagen 3 APIs to generate dynamic images. A few days ago, Google updated their support with new experimental support in Flash. I’ve been playing with this the last few days and have some code and samples to share with you, but before that, what exactly changed? Gemini and Imagen 3 There are now two different models, and different APIs, to generate images with Google’s AI platform. The new one is Gemini 2.0 Flash Experimental and the previous one (the one covered in my blog post) is Imagen 3. Of course the next question is, why two, and what do you pick? The docs do a great job of explaining the differences,... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

The Future of Urban Mobility

This impressive animated data visualization shows the average levels of traffic on Dubai roads over the course of one day. It is one of a series of mapped visualizations in Moving forward: What drives the future of urban transport, a data-driven exploration of urban mobility in Dubai. Dubai city has one of the highest car ownership rates in the world, with one vehicle for every two residents, Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

BoxLang Quick Tips – Database Access

Today I’m kicking off a new blog/video series of quick tips for people interested in BoxLang. These ‘quick tips’ are just that, a look at how BoxLang can simplify working with the JVM and building CLI scripts, web apps, and serverless applications. Each of these posts will include a video along with sample code and help highlight some of the ways BoxLang can be powerful in just a few lines of code. For my first quick tip, let’s talk database access, which by the way was one of the reasons I got into ColdFusion nearly thirty years ago (I didn’t want to figure out how to do it in Perl!). Working with databases in BoxLang can be done in a few steps. Step One –... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

The Republic of Climate Change Deniers

The United States is currently undertaking the biggest act of climate change denial in history.One striking example is what is happening at the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Over 200 FEMA employees have been fired by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Those who remain have been ordered to remove all language related to climate change from FEMA websites and Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps

Automating and Responding to Sentiment Analysis with Diffbot’s Knowledge Graph

Diffbot’s Knowledge Graph has a simple purpose – bring the sum total of all knowledge to your fingertips via a search that emphasis data and relations over a simple text based search engine experience. Sourced by the entire web, Knowledge Graph lets you perform complex queries against billions of data points instantly via a simple API. I decided to take a spin with their API and build a "relatively" simple tool – news analysis for a product run in on automated platform. Should be easy, right? Let’s get to it. Note that the examples in this blog post assume you’ve gotten a free key from Diffbot. Be sure to do that before trying the samples. Designing the... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

Links For You (3/8/25)

Happy afternoon, programs. I just got back one of my kid’s soccer games (unlike last season, the weather is pleasant and not scorching hot) and I’ve got a Saturday now that is 100% open! Which means I’ll get a lot done! (Or, more likely, play video games.) So that I can more quickly get to all the important chores and cleaning I’m not going to do, let’s get to the links. Code Listings via API First up is a two-fer kinda. Showcode is an excellent web app to create screenshots from code. It supports numerous languages, numerous display options, and so forth, and creates really good output. As an example: While it’s a great webapp, they also have a cool API... more →
Posted in: JavaScript

The Dot Map of America

One of my all-time favorite interactive maps was created by Dustin Cable at the University of Virginia. Unfortunately, the Racial Dot Map of America was removed in 2022. This map used data from the 2010 Census to place a colored dot on a map for every American – all 308,745,538 of them. As the name suggests, the color of each dot was determined by race.The UVA map, based on 2010 Census Maps Mania… more →
Posted in: Interactive Maps
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