Forever Chemicals in Freshwater Fish / / No Comments A new study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has found harmful levels of PFAS in freshwater fish throughout the United States. The study measured the harmful levels of ‘forever chemicals’ in freshwater fish collected across the United States. PFAS are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they never break down in the environment. They have entered freshwater bodies across the United Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Chemicals, Fish, Forever, Freshwater
A Dialect Map of England / / No Comments The University of Leeds’ Dialect and Heritage Project has released a Sound Map of English dialects. The map features archived audio recordings of native English speakers from the different regions of England. In the 1950s and 1960s the Survey of English Dialects undertook to complete a survey of the regional dialects of England. The survey was conducted in over 300 different towns and villages. Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Dialect, England
The Campaign for More Winter Sun / / No Comments Today the residents of New York will see less than nine and a half hours of daylight. This lack of sunlight can lead to many people feeling SAD. Which is partly why every year there are calls to end the annual switch to standard time from daylight saving time, the result of which is that the sun sets even earlier every cold winter day. It is also why FiveThirtyEight has asked the question Can Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: campaign, More, Winter
The Land of Generation X / / No Comments Modal Age by Neighbourhood is an interactive map which visualizes the median age of the population in English and Welsh neghborhoods (middle-layer super output areas), using data from the 2021 census. The map provides a fascinating insight into the average ages of the countries’ towns and cities (a Median Age map is also available).By area of land (but not necessarily by population) England and Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Generation, land
A Little Map Fun x 3 / / No Comments If you want to celebrate New Year’s Eve in style then you should boogey on down to the Map Disco. The animated GIF above really doesn’t do Map Disco justice – because this GIF is missing sound. Visit Map Disco yourself and you can watch the countries of the world lighting-up to the amazing sounds of the Bee Gee’s classic ‘Staying Alive’. Slightly more ambient sounds can be enjoyed on Steve Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Little
Santa Tracker Maps / / No Comments Santa has begun work on his busiest day of the year. This year you can follow Santa’s journey around the world, as he delivers presents to all the world’s children, on both the Google Santa Tracker and the NORAD Santa Tracker.The Official NORAD Santa Tracker uses NORAD’s geo-synchronous satellites to detect the heat signature of Rudolph’s red nose. It is then able to track Santa’s sleigh as it Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: maps, Santa, tracker
Santa’s Map of the World / / No Comments A World of Good Wishes at Christmastime is a pictorial map which was published by the General Drafting Company in 1950. The map shows Santa Claus participating in a range of ‘local’ activities around the world. As you might imagine the map relies on a number of perceived Western stereotypes. For example in Scotland Santa is depicted playing the bagpipes, in Australia he is seen boxing with a Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Santa's, World
Scrolling the Mekong River / / No Comments Reuters has created a very impressive scrollytelling map which is being used to illustrate how dams are having a devastating impact on the farms and livelihoods of people living on the Mekong River Delta. In How Dams Starve the Mekong River of Vital Sediment Reuters explores how the construction of hydroelectric dams has blocked the flow of sediment in the Mekong River. Sediment which is needed Maps Mania… more → Posted in: Interactive Maps Tagged with: Mekong, River, Scrolling